In the first episode of a new series from The Adventure Collective, The Quest For Adventure, we join Heath Cartee of Pisgah Outdoors to gain insight into what motivates...
The Adventure Collective’s Quest For Adventure video series takes viewers on a look at what drives outdoor adventure athletes to keep pushing their limits both physically and mentally as they balance work, sport and daily life. Shot and produced in the Southeast by director and cinematographer T.C. Webb, The Quest For Adventure takes a deep dive into the search for the soul of adventure sports to explore the motivation behind adventure pursuits.
In the first episode of a new series from The Adventure Collective, The Quest For Adventure, we join Heath Cartee of Pisgah Outdoors to gain insight into what motivates...
The Linville Gorge is renown as one of the top backpacking spots in the country. In addition to hiking the gorge also features world-class paddling, climbing and...