Fish The East Fork (Brevard)


Catch a “Grand Slam” on the East Fork: Once a closely guarded secret, this roadside stream near Rosman has emerged as the region’s most popular Delayed Harvest stream. The state stocks 17,735 trout along 4.75 miles of East Fork Rd. downstream of the Glady Fork. Catch-and-release regulations apply from October to June. All streamside land is private, so please respect posted signs. There are three cascades that dump into frothy holes brimming with rainbow, brown and brook trout. Catch all three species and claim your Grand Slam!

Trout FishingDirections from Asheville: Take I-26 E to Exit 40/Airport Rd. Turn right onto NC 280 towards the airport and continue to Brevard (19.2 miles). Take US 64 W through Brevard to the Rosman exit. Take a right on Hwy 178, then take a left on East Fork Rd. Cross two bridges, then look for the black-and-white Delayed Harvest signs.

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