(N 35.6542, W – 83.5804): For 2.3 miles, the Little River Trail rises gradually as an old railroad bed past extensive evidence of early logging and park residents. It’s a pretty stream run, for an almost 5-mile round trip. There are nice views of Huskey Branch Falls at the top. To really ramp up this run, make a 5.2-mile loop out of it. Start on the Little River Trail, then turn right on the Cucumber Gap Trail and head right on the gradual descent. At 4.7 miles, turn right on the Jakes Gap Trail and at 5 miles, turn right again to cruise the roadside another 0.5 mile to your car for a 5.2 mile loop.
Directions: Turn onto Little River Rd. at Sugarlands Visitor Center near Gatlinburg and drive 4.9 miles to turn left toward Elkmont Campground. Bear left past the campground entrance at 6.3 miles. Past a split in the road, park on the left by the gate at 6.9 miles.